Cake smash photos at one year old!

What is a cake smash?

One year olds often don’t know much about cake.  And they certainly haven’t been given a whole one to themselves before!  So setting up for cake smash photos where they are presented with a whole cake to investigate is a popular way to celebrate a first birthday.

Babies have a whole range of reactions to this idea!  Ranging from surprise to careful investigation of this unknown object – or just finding out how to make a mess, they make a great set of portraits!   Surprisingly, most babies need a bit of encouragement to actually smash the cake, so it’s up to you how much mess you’d like to see!

Some children are so careful they hardly make any mess at all, but they certainly like to find out what is inside!  I love to photographically capture the story of the cake exploration in a set of pictures like this.

I also do cake smash photos outdoors for a natural look, great for a summer birthday.  And of course less mess to clean up!

Outdoors cake smash

How Does it Work?

I usually include cake smash photos in a family photo session so we have pictures of the whole family at this milestone event before a messy cake smash to celebrate a one year birthday.  We can even do a candle and singing first.  Parents provide the cake and any decorations which means you to make their baby’s photography unique and include their own special touches.  Cake can be the real thing or perhaps a more healthy version for baby, but some nice soft icing is great for encouraging exploration, and remember to make sure decorations are either safe to eat or quickly removed after the picture!

Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

You can see more recent cake smashes on the blog.



Decorative white rainbow image

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